Fly Fishing for Carp with a dry fly on Montana’s Missouri River.
See Part 1 here…
Dry fly fishing in Montana’s magnificent Big Sky country is perhaps the closest thing to heaven for most any angler in the world.  But during the summer of 2015, T-Motion Theater went there and encountered sweltering temps, low water levels and frequent river closures.  Add to this obstacle the region’s tremendous number of summer wild fire incidents, and it could have ended any chance of seeing a fish at all.  Fortunately, Todd’s longtime Gallatin Gateway friend and fly fishing guide extraordinaire, Brian Kimmel, has a heart for Montana carp.  

Kimmel and Adipose Boatworks founder and co-owner, Tracy Allen, took T-Motion into the action of carp on the Missouri River near Helena, Montana.  Sit back and take notes because it will soon be on your summer’s bucket list!  Thanks again to Kimmel and Allen.  

Special thanks to these companies who support my work with Catch Magazine films.
Please support them at your local fly shop.
Winston Fly Rods –
Scientific Anglers –
#carpfishing #flyfishing #catchmagazine #toddmoen