Want to know how to hook a shrimp on a jig-head like the pro guides do?

Click here to see the full blog post: https://www.saltstrong.com/articles/how-to-rig-shrimp-on-jighead-video/

Here’s the deal:

It’s a known fact that shrimp are one of the best live (or dead) baits for saltwater fishing. Why? Because pretty much every predator fish in the ocean eats shrimp (kind of like humans – we all love shrimp – except maybe vegans… they aren’t quite right…).

But it’s also a known fact among fishing guides that shrimp are one of the most likely baits to be rigged incorrectly (by all anglers – not just noobs).

So yes, there is a correct way to rig shrimp (and an incorrect way – that Capt. Mark Johnson covers in the video as well).

Here are the key things to remember when rigging shrimp (either on a jig head or a fishing hook) the correct way:

1) pinch the end of the tail off first
2) thread the hook through the shrimp’s body starting at the tail end (where the tail used to be)
3) ALWAYS make sure the hook point comes through the top of the shrimp’s body (never the legs)
4) cast and catch
5) repeat

Remember, legs facing out is the way to go.

Any other shrimp rigging tips that have worked well for you?

Let us know down in the comments.

For more on Capt. Mark Johnson and Florida Keys Fun Fishing, check out: https://www.floridakeysfunfishing.com/

For more saltwater fishing tips, check out Salt Strong here:


To see the full blog post on how to rig shrimp the best way, click here now:
