Do you want to know the best way to tie up your boat to a dock? Then you’re going to love this video where we cover how to tie the cleat hitch for your boat cleat (or dock cleat).

If you aren’t familiar with the cleat hitch knot, it’s known as one of the most reliable and popular boating knots of all time. Best news is that you can use it to tie any cleat (from your boat cleat to dock cleat).

And although a cleat hitch is the most widely used boat cleat knot, a perfect cleat hitch is only achieved with a final “figure 8” to cinch the knot down.

You’d be shocked how many boaters have tied their boat down for the night only to come out in the morning and see that their cleat hitch has slipped (and their boat is no longer tied up to the dock). The reason this happens is because they forgot the final step of the cleat hitch knot.

What’s your favorite boat cleat knot? Any other tips that you’ve found to work well?

Let us know in the comment below.

Safe boating!

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