Have you replaced the treble hooks on your topwater lures and other hard plastic lures with single inline hooks?

If not, you should definitely consider it.

Here are some benefits:

– Single hooks are better for the fish than treble hooks (fewer holes in their mouths and less accidental gill or eye hooking)
– Single hooks are less likely to hook into you (ever caught a treble hook in the leg or hand?)
– Single hooks are less likely to get snagged on trees, grass, clothes, nets, etc.
– Single hooks save you time dehooking fish

Yes, your hook rate will drop slightly, but with all the time you’ll save in dehooking the fish and everything else treble hooks get themselves into, you’ll actually be able to cast more, likely canceling out the decreased hook rate.

Now, the big question is…

How do you know what size single hooks to use in replace of the treble hooks?

Lucky for you, here’s a video explaining exactly how to do that!

Watch this video to see what size single hooks to use in replace of treble hooks.

Fore more info on replacing treble hooks with inline hooks, check out these articles:

Get Inline Replacement Hooks here:

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